Lady Newborough & Samantha, Mother & Daughter Q&a – Mother’s Day

For This Mother’s Day, We Asked Lady Newborough, Co-founder Of Wild Beauty, And Her Daughter Samantha, To Share Their Beauty Rituals.
For this Mother’s Day, we asked Lady Newborough, co-founder of Wild Beauty, and her daughter Samantha, to share their beauty rituals.
Q). What beauty tips have you passed on to your daughter?
LN: I have always told my daughter what my mother taught me. Always moisturise your skin making sure that the moisturiser is free of nasties and is as natural as possible. (in those days organic didn’t exist!). Always look natural and keep healthy and sporty.
S: To only use organic products and to moisturise regularly. I also stress the importance of beauty within and kindness to other.
Q). Which Wild Beauty products do you both use and love and why?
LN: I love them all! They all work so well together with my routine but I suppose if I could only pick one for the face, it would have to be the Active Treatment Serum as it nourishes and tones wonderfully. For the body, it would be the Nourishing Body Cream. I’ve seen a real difference in my skin since using both of these products – my face feels toned and my skin nourished.
S: The Restorative Overnight Cream and the Exfoliating Body Scrub are my two favourite Wild Beauty products. The Overnight Cream has yarrow leaf in it which is a natural anti-inflammatory and promotes the regeneration of skin cells. The Body Scrub contains honey from Rhug Estate, which promotes collagen and makes one’s skin feel like silk after using it! I get on with all the products and they have a really positive effect on my skin.
Q). What Are Your Beauty And Self Care Rituals?
LN: In terms of my skincare, I have a similar routine for both morning and evening. I cleanse my face with Purifying Cleansing Lotion, cup warm water in my hands to rinse before using the Wild Beauty muslin cloth (on the slightly rougher side as it is like exfoliating the skin) to remove. I then rinse the cloth and pat my face with the smooth side of the face cloth before drying it. I then use the Rebalancing Skin Tonic with a cotton wool pad to get my face completely clean. I apply the Active Treatment Serum followed by either the Protecting Day Cream or the Restorative Overnight Cream.
At the weekend, I use the mask when I get up and have breakfast with it on, before removing it and going back to my regime. Every evening, when I have a bath, I use a body brush, which is great for circulation, followed by the wonderful Exfoliating Body Scrub and every night I put on the Body Cream, especially on my legs and arms. I tend to have very dry skin on my legs and this cream has helped eliminate that.
S: My daily skin routine starts with washing my face with the Purifying Cleansing Lotion (I remove it with a warm muslin cloth), then using the Skin Tonic. I then apply the Active Treatment Serum and finish with the Protective Day Cream.
In the evening, I repeat the routine but without the serum, and apply the Restorative Overnight Cream.
My Mother always encouraged me to do sport as a child and this has carried on through my life. I try and run a few times a week and I also go to gym (well I will when they reopen!).
Q). Do You Ever Go On Spa Days Together?
LN: We have been to a couple of Spa’s together over the years but as we have never lived closely to one another so it has only been on holiday.
S: Yes, in the past we have been on spa days together. Always a very spoiling and enjoyable day. Can’t wait for our next one… When we can!
LN: Sadly I cannot be with my daughter so hopefully my husband will pamper me in some way. My daughter has never forgotten to send me flowers on Mother’s Day, whether she is with me or not.
S: Sadly not with my mother, but Emily (my daughter) and I plan on having a “home spa day“ using all the Wild Beauty products – she is very excited about this!
Q). How Would You Define Your Relationship?
LN: Best friends above all else. We confide in each other and we are incredibly close.
S: I am very close to my mother. She is like one of my best friends, and I know I can go to her any time, about anything.
Q). What Is The Best Piece Of Advice Given To You By Your Mother?
LN: Hug your daughter and always be there for her and that is what I have done and Sam does with her daughter.
S: To love, trust, respect and always be there for your children and for those you hold dearest.